Becoming a Wereraven
Consequences of becoming a WereravenWereraven lycanthropy like any lycanthropy is a curse, as such the decision to become afflicted with it should be seriously considered. This is not simply a method to get better stats, flight and immunity to certain damage types. This will seriously affect your character and will change their alignment as well as how you roleplay them going so far as to potentially change Traits, Bonds, Ideals and/or Flaws.
A character afflicted with Wereraven lycanthropy will gain the following abilities and features:
The character's Dexterity will get set to 15, provided their score is not already higher.
The character will gain the Shapechanger ability of the Wereraven, being able to transform into both Raven and Human-Raven hybrid form.
The character will gain the mimicry ability of the Wereraven.
The character will gain a beak attack when in Raven or Hybrid form, that will use whichever is higher of the character's strength or dexterity.
The character's alignment will become Lawful Good, as a result any Traits, Bonds, Ideals and Flaws that are not Lawful or Good in nature must be removed from the character and new ones must be picked to replace them.
The character would become compelled to form a "kindness" (a group of Wereraven's) of 7-12 close Wereraven friends and live together with these friends as though they were the character's family.
The character will gain the Wereraven's immunity to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage from non-magical attacks not made with silvered weapons.
The character will gain the Wereraven's 50ft flying speed when in raven and hybrid forms.
ShapechangerThe Wereraven can use its action to polymorph into a raven-humanoid hybrid or into a raven, or back into its human form. Its statistics, other than its size are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its human form if it dies.
MimicryThe Wereraven can mimic simple sounds it has heard such as a person whispering, a baby crying or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (insight) check.
Beak (Raven or Hybrid form only)Melee Weapon Attack, reach 5ft, one target. 1 piercing damage in raven form or 1d4 + mod piercing damage in hybrid form. IF the target is a humanoid it must succeed on a DC 10 Consitution saving throw or be cursed with Wereraven lycanthropy.