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Magic Items

Chain of Returning#

Weapon Attachment (Any melee weapon), Rare, (Requires Attunement)#

Attuning to this chain allows you to attach it to a melee weapon of your choice. When the chain is attached to a weapon it grants the weapon the Thrwon property, allowing the wielder to throw it up to a range of 30/60ft using their Strength. The enchantment on the chain allows it to extend up to the length of the throw and retract again when an Athletics check is made as a bonus action to pull the weapon back to your hand.

Flame Tongue Bow String#

Weapon Attachment (Bow), Uncommon#

Stringing a bow with the Flame Tongue Bow String allows the wielder to use a bonus action to speak the magic command word causing the string to set a light, infusing any arrow fired from the string with fire. Arrows infused in this way deal an additional 2d6 fire damage to any target they hit. This item can be used 3 times before requiring a short or long rest to recharge.

Flame Tongue Bow String (Alternate)#

Weapon Attachment (Bow), Rare, (Requires Attunement)#

Stringing a bow with the Flame Tongue Bow String causes the first arrow fired per combat turn be infused with fire. Arrows infused in this way deal an additional 2d6 fire damage to any target they hit.

Hasbronium Gloves of Fisting#

Weapon (Unarmed), Very Rare, (Requires Attunement by a Monk)#

These large green first require attunement by a Monk, they provide a +1 bonus to unarmed strikes while also upgrading the dice used to make those attacks by 1 interval, i.e. if you usually use a d6 for your unarmed attacks, wearing these gloves allows you to use a d8.
These gloves do have a minor draw back - they are not like normal gloves, they are a locked into the shape of a fist so any kind of dextrous movement is not possible while wearing the gloves. The only exception being that a Monk can still catch arrows using Deflect Missiles.

Headdress of the Inner Beast#

Wondrous Item, Very Rare, (Requires Attunement by a Druid)#

When a Druid attunes to this headdress their Wild Shape ability is augmented, granting a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made when the Druid is Wild Shaped.

Singing Sword#

Weapon (any Sword), Very Rare, (Requires Attunement by a Bard)#

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. As this sword cuts through the air it sings in a hauntingly beautiful voice. This voice creates an atmosphere that bolsters Bardic spells cast by the wielder, granting a +1 bonus to the DC and Spell Attack of those spells.

Wild Shape Amulet#

Wondrous Item, Rare, (Requires Attunement)#

A Druid that is attuned to this Amulet doubles the number of times they can us their Wild Shape ability before requiring a rest.