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Bard Spells

1st Level#

Frost Nova
Quad Shot

2nd Level#

Azzir's Angry Arrow

7th Level#

Mordenkainen's Sword

Druid Spells

1st Level#

Frost Nova

Ranger Spells

1st Level#

Quad Shot

2nd Level#

Azzir's Angry Arrow

Sorcerer Spells

1st Level#

Frost Nova

Wizard Spells

1st Level#

Frost Nova

7th Level#

Mordenkainen's Sword

Frost Nova#

1st level Evocation - Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (15ft Cube)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

A frosty wind explodes out from you. Each creature in the area must make a constitution save. On a failed save a creature takes 2d8 cold damage and is restrained until the end of your next turn, as they are covered in a layer of ice that prevents movement.
On a successful save the creature takes half damage and is not restrained.

Higher level casting. When cast using a spell slot above 1st level increase the damage by 1d8 per slot level above 1st.

Quad Shot#

1st level Enchantment - Bard, Ranger
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: As per weapon
Components: V, M (ammunition)
Duration: Instantaneous

On your next ranged attack you enchant the ammunition, when fired it splits into four, dealing 3 extra dice of piercing damage (dice as per weapon dice).

Higher level casting. When cast using a spell slot above 1st level add an extra damage dice per slot level above 1st.

Azzir's Angry Arrow#

2nd level Evocation - Bard, Ranger
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: As per weapon
Area: 10ft radius sphere from target
Components: V, M (ammunition and pouch of oil)
Duration: Instantaneous

You stab your ammunition through a pouch of oil, as part of this spell make a ranged attack with this piece of ammunition. On a hit the arrow deals piercing damage as normal then explodes dealing 1d6 fire damage and 2d8 thunder damage to the target and surrounding creatures in a 10ft radius sphere.
Creatures in the area must make a Constitution save, on a failed save they are deafened for 1 minute. On a successful save they are not deafened and take half the damage from the explosion.
Should your attack miss the arrow will explode whenever it hits a surface.

Higher level casting. When cast using a spell slot above 2nd level add 1d6 fire damage and 1d8 thunder damage per slot level above 2nd.

Mordenkainen's Sword#

7th level Evocation - Bard, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a minature platinum sword with a grip and pommel of copper and zinc, worth 250gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a sword-shaped plane of force that hovers within range. It lasts for the duration.

When the sword appears, you make 2 melee spell attacks, with a +3 bonus to hit, against one or more targets of your choice within 5 feet of the sword. On a hit. the target takes 4d8 + spellcasting ability modifier force damage. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to move the sword up to 40 feet to a spot you can see and repeat these attacks against the same target or different ones.

Higher level casting. When cast using a spell slot above 7th level add 1d8 force damage per slot level above 7th.